December 9, 2009


And so begins the season
of slushy, snowy, icy,
slippery roads and walkways
and frigid air that numbs
our fingers and toes

Today my prayer is simple
and I'll pray it every day
until the thaw of spring

Please, dear Lord
Keep us safe through this weather

Whether driving or walking
Shoveling or playing
Even if we're just breathing in
the crisp winter air

Please protect us
And keep us safe.

December 5, 2009

December Beauty

Warmed by
Sparkling kisses
from the heaven....

In my corner of the world

All is calm....
...all is bright.

December 1, 2009

A New Day

Quiet morning
Cool gray skies
Across the field
A dusty pink shadow
Slices through the horizon

A new day is dawning

And though this day
Marks the beginning of the end
for yet another year
It is also the start
of our joyful waiting for You

Today I Pray...

...for quiet moments
through the swirl of the holiday season

...for time to ready my heart and mind

...for the blessings that come
when we realize that
....every day
....every moment
holds the heaven-sent gift
of a new beginning

Quietly, I wait for you.

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