May 26, 2017

I'm coming home.

It's been too many long years away....but I'm coming home. 

I never felt so fulfilled as when I was maintaining Today I Pray -- but as I shared this morning on my Facebook page -- Good Life Sister -- when my job circumstances changed years ago, so too did my daily discipline for writing.

This stops today.

Please enjoy the post I shared this morning on Facebook -- and just as I'm asking my Facebook friends to get to know the Lauren who maintained this blog, I'm asking you to get to know the Lauren who has found her purpose at Good Life Sister.   Expect to see me more -- in fact, expect to see me daily.

My posts may look a little different and the blog itself may undergo a transformation -- but it is still the same me -- trying hard to become a better person, to inspire hope and joy, and to connect the dots between these different times in my life.  

I know that everything happens for a reason... and I am putting my trust in the Universe that this is the step I am meant to take...regardless of how imperfect or ill-prepared I am to take it.  I trust that I am stepping further along the path of my purpose.

Enjoy the post ...and I can't wait to reconnect with you.


P.S.  If you are reading this -- I would love it if you left even just a single word comment below.  I am looking for signs.

Posted today on Facebook

If you really knew would know that years ago I maintained a blog called Today I Pray. I loved that blog and the ritual that came with it.  

Every morning I would get up and walk -- camera in hand -- and I would snap a picture of something in nature that spoke to me. It was like a walking meditation....and after my walk I came home, poured myself a cup of coffee and let what ever inspiration I had found, flow through me and into a poem....and then into my prayer for the day.

It was like magic.

It filled me with joy every single morning....and at that moment, I knew I was somehow fulfilling a purpose I didn't quite understand.

That practice ended when I started a different job with more rigid hours. It left a big void in my heart. Day by day though, I am starting to realize I am finding that joy again. The outlet may be a little different -- or maybe it isn't at all.

I'm getting up propped up to snap pictures of the thing that moves me (literally)...and afterwards I sit down with my shake and share whatever inspiration comes to me during my workout.

Perhaps it's time to connect the final let that inspiration flow into my prayer for the day.

Yes...I believe today I had an ah ha moment...and I'm taking another step into my purpose.

Today I Pray...

...take my hand and guide me.
...if this is the path I'm meant to walk, illuminate the way. me live a life of purpose and meaning. To inspire others to find their greatness.

... I trust in You.

Always have. Always will. 

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