September 24, 2009

It Pours

They say that 'when it rains, it pours'
And we know it to be true

Good news or bad
It always seems
to come like a storm

Through a storm of good news
we splash in the puddles
sing in the rain
and find ourselves chasing rainbows

A storm of good news
is delight
It's bliss
It's easy

Through storms of hard times
How our attitude changes

We retreat when we can
And when we have to face the storm
We put our heads down
And run like crazy
To dodge the rain

Oh to learn
to weather any storm
with our heads turned
towards the heavens

To let the waters wash over us
Bathe us with His grace

And ask not
for the skies to stop
But to learn
how to smile through the rain

Today I Pray...

...that I might see the beauty
in the storm clouds

...that I learn to turn my gaze to the heavens
instead of trying to dodge the rain

...for faith in Your plan
and perseverance to see it through

Please stay...
....and dance with me in the rain


Just a little something from Judy said...

Togther we will dance in the rain. How beautifully you express what my heart often longs to voice. I am so blessed by each visit.

Anonymous said...

May I join in the dance? You truly made me smile. Your words ooze of beauty and sincerity.

Lauren said...

Let's dance my friends! thanks for your kind words.

Just a little something from Judy said...

Missing you and hoping all is well in your corner of the world.

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