March 6, 2013

Wonder & Awe

When they were younger
I watched them in awe
Their tiny feet and hands
The gentle coos and giggles

Tiny miracle.
Heaven sent.

They're older now...
Almost all grown up
And still filling my life
With wonder and awe

Did I do enough? 

Do they know all the talents
That God has bestowed upon them?
Will they let themselves dream?
Will they reach for the stars?
Will they make the most of each day?

Do they know how loved they are...
Here on earth and from the Heavens?

Do they know?

Today I Pray...
Bless my sweet children
Guide their journey
That they might step tenderly
On the path You have made
Just for them

Keep their hearts open
Giving, loving, and kind

Keep their hopes high
And their faith deep
With the knowledge
That with You
All things are possible

Help me too sweet Lord
To be the best that mother
That I can be

I know I have stumbled along the way
I keep trying.

They are my miracle
My gift from You
My Heaven on earth.

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