July 22, 2009

Be My Guide

In everything I do
I put my trust
in You

Guide my thoughts
and actions

Help me clear away
the excess
and stay focused
on the path before me

Help me find center
Fill my soul
with your joyful spirit

Help me
to be more than I was

With a peaceful
and trusting heart

...Where You lead
I will follow

Today I Pray...

...for your guidance
as I try to find my way

...stay with me
such that I can
feel the strength
that comes from knowing
You are right here
by my side


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful. This oozes with clarity and confidence!

Anonymous said...

Hi!! You are a winner at my blog today! Please email me your mailing address as soon as you can. :)

Tabitha - ichoosebliss(at)gmail.com

Just a little something from Judy said...

The picture that you shared on your post today portrays perfectly the words that you shared. The strength that comes from knowing that He is by our side...leading, guiding and directing...creates peace and stability in my life daily. Thank you for this beautiful heartfelt piece.

aquamaureen said...

"help me clear away the excess"--that's been a part of my daily prayers for weeks now . . Progress has been slow, but I keep leaning on HIm. That's the only way I can do it. Thanks for the reminder.

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