October 25, 2009

In Living Color

You pray and pray...
...searching, hoping, believing
that in time,
you find the answer to your prayers
in His plan for you

Through trying times
It can be hard to understand
the "why"

We stand in the midst of the storm
...maybe even doubting

Like the sky in the midst of a storm
Life is playing out
in shades of gray

We look to the heavens for answers

We fall to our knees
and pray some more

Eyes closed
Heads bowed
Quietly waiting

Then you feel it
His hand upon your shoulder
The warmth of His love
Like a ray of sun on your back

Hopes raised
You lift your head
And realize
you are living
the vibrant colors of life


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! So wonderful!

Anonymous said...

this is JUST what I needed right now!! thank you!

Just a little something from Judy said...

My hot cup of coffee, and my daily dose of inspiration and encouragement...tiny blessings from God today and everyday. Thank you my dear friend. Beautiful post!
I think this will work for me to comment. How thrilled I am!

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