October 31, 2009

Hope Lives

A swirling cascade of vibrant color
Fell to the ground
Leaving a thick, yellow, autumn blanket
across the yard

The garden,
once lush with green foliage
And blooms of every color
Looked tired and aged

But suddenly a surprise
...there amidst the dried up leaves
And barren branches

One vibrant bloom

And the promise of another

...a lesson in hope and perseverance.

Life is yours to live...
...make the most of every day
...reach a little further
...try a little harder

Bloom against all odds.

Today I Pray...

...with gratitude
for the quiet ways

You speak to me

...and teach me to live


Lori Heyd said...

Lauren, thank you for the encouraging words on my post....I just love fall don't you...The bloom is clinging to life and hope. Lori

Tom Bailey said...

It is so ironic that you visit my blog and we are both blogging about gratitude. Thank you for visiting my blog. Right after I posted my blog on gratitude letters I come here and find gratitude as well.

I hope you have an amazing day.

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