October 12, 2009


Each day begins the same
A stretch
...to open myself
to receive the day You've given me

A moment of thanks
A prayer for Your guidance
throughout my day

Then a quiet moment while I listen
For a cue from You

"How can I serve you today, God?"

Sometimes I hear Your response
In the rush of the wind,
In a hug from my child,
Or in the purr of the kitten
Curled up in my lap

Sometimes I hear You calling
From a distance
And I spend my day
Following your call
Each moment
Moving closer to You

Then other times
Like today
Your presence is certain
I am calm, peaceful, centered
Yet Your voice is but a whisper

…and it is only through
Quiet reflection
That I can hear

Today I Pray…

Stay with me today…
…help me quiet my mind

So that I can hear
Your gentle whispers

I am ready to walk
...please guide my footsteps

Help me, today
....As always
To be the person
You have designed me to be


Anonymous said...

Amen..This is my prayer today as well. Thank you for speaking my heart as well.

Lori Heyd said...

My heart echoes this too....thank you.

Just a little something from Judy said...

You...the person God designed you to be, and you continue to richly bless my days, with encouragement, inspiration, and refreshment. Thank you so much!

aquamaureen said...

what a lovely poetic grace your words have, Lauren. I'm coming to realize that nothing is more important in my relationship with God than listening and following. Thank you for expressing this so beautifully.

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