May 31, 2009

Be A Difference Maker

There is a story that I love about a man and his son walking along the shore. As they walk they discover hundreds and hundreds of starfish have been washed up on the beach. With each step, the boy picks up a starfish and throws it back into the sea.

The man sees the boy's actions and says, "What are you doing? There are thousands of starfish along the shore, you will never save them all -- it can't possibly make a difference."

The boy bent down and picked up another starfish, and tossed it gently beyond the breaking waves, then looked up at his father with innocent eyes and wisdom beyond his years, and simply said, "It made a difference to that one."

Today I Pray...

...that I choose my words and actions wisely

Ever aware that...
...every word
...every gesture
...every moment

...can make a difference.


Anonymous said...

I so loved that story!

Just a little something from Judy said...

Oh the power of our words. Your blog inspires me in a gentle, loving way. I really appreciate your graceful approach to life.

Amanda Fall - Sprout editor said...

I've always loved that story, too, and I have to believe it's true--I've seen and felt the effects...I've been the one to save the starfish, and I've been the starfish.

I hope you know that you and this blog ARE making a difference, with every deceptively simple, elegant post. What a blessing to have been led to you.

sema said...

Lauren...I am so happy to have found your blog.Your prayers are so profound and they give a wonderful start to the day.
thank you,
blessings for abundance

Lauren said...

Words escape me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind responses.

aquamaureen said...

The other commenters have already said everything I want to say! I have always loved the starfish story--and as Amanda has said, I've also been the starfish and the starfish saver . . .

No matter how many millions of people on the earth, we are all still individuals, in the middle of our own "stories,"--walking out our individual dramas one step at a time . . . and any one contact has immense potential to lift up or tear down . . .

Thank you, Lauren, for the clear and direct grace in your words.

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