And woke to blue skies
Grateful for the gift
I hurried out
to celebrate the sun
Rain drops glistened
on the branches and the leaves
A daybreak festival
of shimmering lights
As quickly as the sun awakened me
I watched the grey clouds
reclaim the skies
Why, Sun, why?
Why must you surrender?
God whispered softly
....for my eyes to hear
Words escaped me
Tears did not
...I stood humbled
...and embarrassed by my selfish plea
Today I Pray...
...with a humble and grateful heart
...thank You for making the greatest of all sacrifices
...thank You for today
"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." James 1:17
I have been guilty of this before and I LOVE that you recognized it for what it was and embraced it with an open heart.
BEAUTIFUL...i love this site, seriously!!! Keep the beautifully written prayer soaked creative writing coming. LOVE IT!!!
Thank you for you beautiful words today.
Have a great weekend!
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