June 27, 2009

Stay Positive

Today I Pray...

...in quiet simplicity

...help me to keep my head up

...and stay positive

Give me grace to stand tall
even if others try to knock me down

And if You could

...please give me a sign

It needn't be much

...just something
for me to hang on to

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13


sema said...

beautiful prayer to help you stay positive,thank you!

Anonymous said...

oh such a beautiful prayer!! thank you!

Just a little something from Judy said...

What lies ahead for us, is so much bigger and better. The hard part is the waiting. Your photo is so serene and beautiful! Wishing you a relaxing day.

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Hi! Thank for stopping by and reading my Letter From Halle Berry. I loved your comment. What a wonderful and inspiriting site you have. I'm following you!

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